Experience of Melodi Okut Popescu in the youth exchange Hackers of Life (HoL) that took place in Lorca, Murcia from the 20th to the 26th of August 2019.


What do you think a unique experience is? In a lifetime, one has a lot of experiences but do you think you can compare any of them to an Erasmus+ project experience?
Fellow readers, before I get to the interesting part, let me introduce myself. My name is Melodi, I am 18 and I just had the summer of my life thanks to Erasmus+ project entitled «Hackers of Life».
As the title may suggest, this project has been about learning how to navigate safely through the Internet, how to protect our computers from hackers and how risky it is to expose our personal data on the Internet. The most remarkable activity on this topic has been a demonstration from cybersecurity experts; they showed us how easy it is to get hacked through a simple link which can be sent through an email and can be seen as received from a friend.
But besides the knowledge I have gained about cybersecurity, the intercultural nights had a huge impact on my opinion of other nationalities. For example, tasting the real tzatziki made by the Greek team and tiramisu baked by Italians was a delicious experience.
In other words, an Eramus+ project doesn’t only mean sticking to the main topic and doing only the work that needs to be done, but making international friends for life and capturing great moments.
So what do you think? Is Eramus+ a life changing experience? I think that even if the answer was no in the beginning, you definitely changed your mind.
The following photographs are meant to help you imagine this project along with everything I said above.